What fears are holding you back from working with your life stories?

What to expect: until tomorrow you'll receive e-mails with useful tips and stories, encouraging you to join me in my transformational memoir-writing course, The Art of Personal Mythmaking, which I teach live once per year.

If you want to stay on my newsletter list but you don't want to receive sales e-mails about the course, just click here to be automatically opted-out of the sales e-mails.

What fears are holding you back from working with your life stories?


I’ve been getting plenty of messages telling me you’d love to take the Art of Personal Mythmaking, my transformational memoir-writing course that guides you through writing your memoir while also healing from the difficult parts of your life stories.

But… you're putting it off till next year.

Or you have some hesitations.

I get it.

Whenever I circle around something I really long for, all sorts of weird and uncomfortable thoughts and feelings surface.

Maybe some of the things stopping you from taking this next step towards your memoir-writing dreams are like mine?

Fears like:

  • Not feeling prepared or ready enough to start
  • Fear of failure
  • Fear that you’ll waste your time and money and it won’t help
  • Fear that you don’t have the time
  • Fear of being disappointed by all the big promises

So let’s explore these fears and defuse them so you can write your life stories and heal in the process.

Not feeling prepared or ready enough to start.

I know this one. It trapped me in perfectionism and procrastination for years and years. This terrible feeling of unreadiness, like you’re an imposter, even though you’ve done so many things that make you more than ready.

The real challenge is learning how to talk back to those thoughts that tell you you’re not ready. How to turn the volume down on them - and I provide a bundle of helpful tools for doing just that, inside my course.

The truth is, you’re ready. You don’t need special skills to start.

You only need willingness and desire. The rest comes from showing up - and you get the support of my course, myself and your amazing peers in The Art of Personal Mythmaking, which starts October 29th.

Fear of failure.

I remember feeling terrified of failing, like I couldn’t possibly reach my goal with the limited time and resources I had.

And fear that failing or messing up would bring so much shame and guilt and embarrassment that I wouldn’t be able to survive it.

To be honest, I think fear of failure comes from not having enough practice failing.

So I advocate practicing the art of falling. Flopping. Failing. Then getting back up and doing it again.

It’s a remarkable practice, embracing the art of fucking up, so that you can embrace the art of recovery, repair, and return.

Something I love about writing, especially writing in writing circles (this happens in the live version of Personal Mythmaking) is that you get to experience the full range of your writing skills and moods, from the impeccably sublime to the rambly, whiny, embarrassing nonsense. Plus everything in between. And you get to witness that in others.

The more you write in community, the more you get to discover that you’re failing all the time, and it’s really ok. Why? Because with writing you get to revise, edit and refine your work.

It’s ok to fail. Failure doesn’t mean you’re a terrible person. It just means you’ve tumbled down and you’re going to get right back up and keep going.

No shame-filled inner diatribes necessary.

Don’t let a fear of failure stop you from doing your memoir-writing and healing.

"I don’t think we allow ourselves to shine until we are willing to explore the deeper parts of ourselves."

~ Talyn Martin,Writer, Former Organic Farmer, Canada ~

Fear that you’ll waste your time and money and it won’t help.

I imagine you’ve signed up for things before that you didn’t end up implementing. I’ve done that too.

That’s why I've designed this course to help you move through the biggest challenges I see students getting stuck with in their writing (and life) - overwhelm, procrastination, self-doubt, perfectionism, resistance - with body-based prompts.

This course works.

HOWEVER, you have to actually DO the practices for it to work.

You have to do more than just read the prompts and somatic, body-based guidance. Much of this course is experiential and generative. Embodied. It won’t work if you stay in your head, reading and thinking and learning, but not writing and doing.

I know this because I’ve often caught myself in the trap of thinking that if I just learn enough - while avoiding doing the practical lessons required - the creative transformation that I so longed for would magically bestow itself on me.

This is another form of resistance and procrastination, and it’s the one thing I can’t change for you.

Be willing to do more than just read/skim the material.


"My biggest fear working with Janelle is that I would for some reason not complete the course.

I was afraid because I knew that I would miss two or three sessions and perhaps lose my momentum and give up – but that did not happen.

Because each class is recorded and the facilitation topics are saved and easily retraceable, I was able to regroup, get back on track and carry on to the end."

~ Georgette A Paré, Fine Arts & Language Arts Facilitator, Calgary ~

Fear that you don’t have the time.

Taking this course will save you time by:

  • Eliminating the learning curve of trial and error that happens when you DIY memoir-writing and healing on your own.
  • Teaching you how to work with your nervous system to shift creative block, resistance and overwhelm, so that the limited time you do have becomes much more accessible and productive.
  • Removing the wastefulness of time used up trying-to-figure-it-out. The course lays out a non-linear but progressive and ease-filled process for generating your memoir and outlining it, then doing it, no extra effort necessary.

Fear of being disappointed by all the big promises.

You’ve tried courses before and they didn’t work so you’re scared you’ll sign up and be disappointed, right?

I imagine you’ve tried reading all the books, blogs and free or cheap courses, and you wonder if this will be any different.

The Art of Personal Mythmaking is effective because I’ll be right there with you in our weekly calls, braiding together a truly integrated process that acknowledges and explains the creative process, the body and nervous system and how they interact with memories and creative block, then lays out an ease-filled path towards transformation and memoir-writing.

You just have to show up, participate, and trust the process.

I care deeply about my students this course, and about making it supportive and useful.

"So much online marketing is hyperbole, exaggeration and inflation of skills, abilities and offerings. I fear engaging in something that promises much and delivers little.

I was delighted to find
Personal Mythmaking was, if anything, undersold rather than overrated.

I found a course based in scholarship and experience. The work was experiential, embodied and deepening without being overwhelming. And the support is amazing."

~ Grace Quantock, Anti-oppressive Psychotherapeutic Counsellor, Writer and Advocate, Wales ~

So now I really want to know: What fears are holding you back?

Hit reply and tell me (yes, I’ll help you out if I can).

Don’t let the fear stop you from taking steps towards your memoir-writing and healing goals.

If you’re ready to start the journey with support and kindred spirits, ​you can enroll in The Art of Personal Mythmaking here.​

Enrolment closes Monday October 14th at midnight Pacific Time.

Let's make the next six months the supportive, creative, delightful and healing memoir-writing experience you've been dreaming of.

If you have any questions, hit reply and ask! I'm available and happy to answer your questions :-)



P.S. I'm closing registration for the course Monday, October 14th, midnight Pacific Time. After that you'll have to wait another year for the live version of Personal Mythmaking to start again.

If you want to stay on my newsletter list but you don't want to receive sales e-mails about the course, just click here to be automatically opted-out of the sales e-mails.

Write your memoirs, reclaim yourself.

I help people write their memoirs while healing in the process so they can feel empowered and free. We do this with creative writing prompts, gentle somatic trauma healing techniques and stories like fairy tale and myth. Memoir writing + body wisdom + healing + stories = joyful magic. A weekly-ish newsletter.

Read more from Write your memoirs, reclaim yourself.

Weekly-ish stories for humans seeking depth and meaning. I'm Janelle Hardy and at some point you signed up for this 3-4x/month newsletter on memoir-writing, somatic (body) healing and stories. Over the next week I'll be sharing about my Dirty, Messy, Alive: Embodied Memoir-Writing Workshop Series. Don't want to receive e-mails about it? Click here to opt-out but stay on my newsletter. This will help you start, write and share your memoir ✍️ I know how vast the world of memoir and non-fiction...

3x/month stories for humans seeking depth and meaning. I'm Janelle Hardy and at some point you signed up for this weekly (ish) newsletter on memoir-writing, somatic (body) healing and stories. If you'd like to leave, just click the unsubscribe link at the bottom. So I told a smutty story to... a bunch of strangers onstage at the Vancouver Fringe Fest Was it an instagram ad? Probably. Somehow, three days ago I found out about the Smut Slam at the Vancouver Fringe Fest and there was no doubt I...

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3x/month stories for humans seeking depth and meaning. I'm Janelle Hardy and at some point you signed up for this weekly (ish) newsletter on memoir-writing, somatic (body) healing and stories. If you'd like to leave, just click the unsubscribe link at the bottom. "He's got that Hardy strength" or, when we need an antidote to our gifts. I've been having an aunty summer. My eldest niece and my eldest nephew are both eight, so I told my sister and my brother to send them to me for a week in the...